Blogg Hur mycket data ryms på ett USB-minne?

Som marknadsledande leverantör av logotyptrycka USB-minnen får vi tillfälle att tala med hundratals kunder varje dag. Vi får många frågor om våra olika USB-modeller, tillbehör och tjänster såsom förinstallation av data. En fråga som vi som ofta stöter på i vår kontakt med våra kunder är "hur mycket data ryms på ett USB-minne"?

Det korta svaret är; en hel del! Det längre svaret är att det beror på vilken minneskapacitet du väljer. För närvarande kan vi erbjuda 6 olika minneskapaciteter för alla behov : 2GB , 4GB , 8GB , 16GB , 32GB och 64GB. Ju större kapacitet, desto mer data kan lagra.

Nedan följer en enkel graf som ger en indikation på hur många bilder, låtar och filmer respektive kapacitet kan lagra.

Note: For the illustration above it is assumed the average photo size is 2MB, the average MP3 size is 4MB and the average video size is 500MB.

Som ni kan se är 2GB tillräckligt för en lätt till måttlig användare. I andra änden av skalanär 64GB perfekt för den som vill lagra ett stort bibliotek med bilder, musik och videofiler på sitt USB-minne.

Vårt råd är att alltid köpa en storlek större än vad du tror att du behöver. Som med många saker i livet kommer du säkerligen att "växa i det"! Dessutom kommer de lyckliga mottagarna av dina logotyptrycka USB-minnen att ha nytta av enheterna längre och kommer att se din logotyp varje gång de använder dem.

Funderar du på att beställa logotyptryckta USB-minnen?
Ta då några sekunder och fyll i vårt offert-formulär så kommer en av Account Managers att ta kontakt och ge dig mer information om våra olika modeller och kapaciteter.

flashbay Författare:Sam Sanchez
22 Kommentarer | Lämna din kommentar 
Chris , Flashbay | 14 Mar, 2025
Hi Brianna,

Thanks for your question.

We'd recommend the 64GB, which will give you plenty of storage space.

Many thanks,

Chris at Flashbay
Brianna B, Loving Hands of Nevada | 13 Mar, 2025

I have a Samsung Galaxy Fold 4 phone I love taking lots of pictures and videos of life. Would 32GB be suffice? Or would 64GB be the best option plus lots of extra storage? Help
Nicholas | 15 Jan, 2024
In my tests, I tested the maximum size of all thumb drives up to 512 GB. However, I was unable to use 1T or anything more than 512 GB because I purchased one 1T and one 16T and they went wrong. They had problems with storage, so you wasted money by 1T to above than 512GB that's a huge problem since you can't download the reader due to game stuffing. :(
Chris , Flashbay | 28 Aug, 2023
Hi Malgorzata,

Thanks for getting in touch.

It depends how patients you'd be doing this for. But I would suggest 128GB. 

It's always better to have more storage space than you may need.

Many thanks,

Chris at Flashbay
Malgorzata Kochanska, Imperial College London | 24 Aug, 2023
Hello there , 

We would like to transfer patients extract from the database. Each patient folder store up 1200 - 2000 pages of data .
Would  64GB be enough to store the data or I would need 128GB?

Thank you
Kimberly Detwiler | 08 Jul, 2023
I have 774 MB of photos in 5 separate folders on an external drive. What size flash drive would hold all of them? Thanks!!
Chris , Flashbay | 15 Dec, 2022
Hi Cary,

Thanks for your question.

There are a few variables to consider here, including video quality and video compression.

A 16GB Flash Drive 'should' be enough, but I would actually recommend 32GB Flash Drive to be on the safe side. You can then use any excess storage for any additional content you'd like to safely store.

Many thanks,

Chris at Flashbay
Cary Davis | 15 Dec, 2022
I have (2)two old standar VHS tapes that are full. I would like to save those on flash drives. How much storage space would I need?
Chris , Flashbay | 07 Feb, 2022
Hi Breanna,

Thanks for getting in touch.

An Account Manager will be in contact with you shortly.

Many thanks,

Chris at Flashbay
Breanna , Soroptimist | 06 Feb, 2022
We are a non profit organization planning a summit to educate the public about human trafficking
 We want to provide a USB for several PowerPoint and resources looking at 2gb to 4gb. For 200 guests.
Chris , Flashbay | 10 Dec, 2021
Hi John,

Thanks for your question.

We would suggest a 128GB Flash Drive.


Chris at Flashbay
John Trexler | 09 Dec, 2021
I have 54 old cassettes I would like to convert, what size USB drive will I need? Thanks
Chris , Flashbay | 15 Sep, 2021
Hi Hunter,

Thanks for your question.

We would recommend either a 4GB or 8GB Flash Drive. The 8GB will obviously give you some extra space, should you need it in the future. 

Many thanks,

Chris at Flashbay
Hunter | 14 Sep, 2021
Which model of thumb drive would I need to transfer the contents of 5 audiobook CD? Thank you.
Chris , Flashbay | 17 Jun, 2021
Hi Pamela,

Thanks for your question.

6 hours of cassette tape audio would equate to a file size of between 3GB - 4GB.

There are convertor options out there that we're not affiliated with, so we cannot vouch for their quality. Some convertors will transfer the audio file directly to your computer, and then you can transfer from there to a Flash Drive. Other convertors have a USB port that can copy the audio directly to the Flash Drive.

I hope this helps answer your question.

Many thanks,

Chris at Flashbay
Pamela Blithe | 17 Jun, 2021
I would like to copy 6 hours of cassette tapes of my grandmother telling her life story. What size flash drive do I need to accommodate 6 hours of audio? Is there a cassette player that will transfer directly from cassette to the flash drive?  Then the flash drives can be used in any computer USB port?  Thanks for your help.  Pamela
Chris , Flashbay | 29 Jan, 2021
Hi Phillip,

Thanks for your question. 

Depending on the make and model, you should be able to save apps from your computer to your Flash Drive, assuming there is enough available space to accommodate this. It's best to check the manufacture's website for confirmation of this. 

Many thanks,

Chris at Flashbay
Phillip Harris | 28 Jan, 2021
I know usb drives are used for folders but can a usb drive hold accounts and apps from computers
Chris , Flashbay | 21 Apr, 2020
Hi Karen,

Thanks for your message.

We'll be in contact shortly regarding prices and branding options.

Many thanks,

Chris at Flashbay
Karen Mason, Missouri ACTE | 21 Apr, 2020
We are considering getting a flash drive for all our conference attendees we would need approximately 1200 and I would like to see the pricing for 4 gb and 8 gb etc.
Chris , Flashbay | 07 May, 2019

Thanks for getting in touch.

An Account Manager will be in contact shortly regarding prices and branding options.

Many thanks,

Chris at Flashbay
LaToya Blayz | 06 May, 2019
Hello would like a quote for quantity of 50 and a quantity for 100 2 Gb please include front and back.
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